Why are Foxconn's methods of working employees wrong? Foxconn is one of the major companies that make a lot of the apple products. At extensive research this is my view about Foxconn.
First of I don't think Foxconn is morally right because is a cheaper product worth the price of someones life. The workers at Foxconn are more or less slaves that recieve very low pay and are housed like animals in the Foxconn dorms. The treatment of these people are horrible because they are like me and you. The only difference is on a day to day basics they have to try to survive. People have tried to get into but the Foxconn officals would not allow them into the factory. That just makes them look worse because that means they are hiding something.
Foxconn should not be aloud to operate their company anymore because of all the terrible things going on in the factory.
Topic sentences are similar to the topic sentence on the post below. I need to work on my sentence fluency and put more shorter sentences. More detail would help reader more. My paragraph needs a better end because it kind leaves you hanging.